Archive | June 2013

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How I Get What I Want From My Kids

I confess. I’ve been totally selfish for the past two years. I’ve been contriving ways to get my kids to do what I want, and they totally work. Usually without screams, usually with whole hearted willingness. I play with them. Oh, Micah, you’re a dump truck today? That’s perfect because I’m a front end loader […]

If You Can’t Say Something Nice…

*Disclaimer: this post may (or may not – who knows?) be challenging. Take it from me when I say, I’m speaking just as much to myself as to anyone. There is no condemnation here. At the checkout line of the grocery store, Norah stole the hearts of the cashier and the bagger immediately. This is […]

Remembering Evan

Can we ever be prepared for losing someone we love? No matter how long in advance we know that it’s coming, expectation never diminishes its sting. On Monday, we lost a dear, dear friend to cancer. He was the dad of my best friend, and like a second dad to me. He was our mentor […]